About Us

As proud and devoted mums, our journey is enriched by the laughter, love, and lessons shared with our children.
As our children have grown up & having children of their own.
We have witnessed the joys and challenges of raising children, and now find ourselves at a new crossroad in life. Join us as we navigate this transition, rekindle our passions, and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.

We are fortunate to have each other.
Together, we navigate the challenges and joys of life, building a strong foundation of love, understanding, and shared dreams. Our partnership fuels our determination to create a fulfilling life for our family.

Full-Time Work:
Juggling a full-time job is a testament to our dedication and commitment. The professional sphere offers its own set of challenges and rewards, pushing us to grow, learn, and contribute to our chosen fields.It’s a balancing act that fuels our ambition and drives us to pursue excellence in all aspects of our life.

Love for Animals:
Beyond horses, our love for animals extends to all creatures big and small. From the loyal wag of Snickers & Tillys’ tail to the gentle purr of our cats.
Their presence brings immense joy and teaches us the value of compassion, empathy, and care for the natural world around us.

Snow Skiing:
In the winter months, we eagerly trade our riding boots for skis and venture to the snowy slopes. The thrill of gliding down mountains, surrounded by breathtaking scenery, invigorates our spirit and reminds us of the beauty and excitement that nature has to offer.

In this multifaceted journey called life, we embrace the challenges and joys that come with being a horse rider, a mum,a devoted partner, a dedicated professional, an animal enthusiast, and an avid snow skier. We hope to share the insights, experiences, and lessons learned along the way, inspiring others to pursue their passions, find their balance, and create a life that embraces diverse adventures with open arms.

Join us as we embark on this extraordinary journey together!

Kerry & Christine
Everything Equitation

Our Mission

“Our mission is to be the trusted source for; affordable Equitation obstacles, expert tips, and a one-stop shop experience, empowering riders to excel in Equitation.”


Take a moment to reflect on that one thing that has been whispering in your heart, patiently waiting for its chance to shine. Embrace the belief that it’s never too late to pursue your passion to explore & challenge yourself.

“Life is fun!”

Enjoy what you do.

Embrace every moment.

Everything equitation

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North East Victoria


0408 364 722

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